All About Forces EM Article :-3


We know force is a push or pull. Consider a body that is subjected to different forces. as shown in figure To determine the net effect of applied forces on a body, we have to add or subtract forces. according to their direction 

What Is Force

In Above Fig. 10KN force is acting rightward and 20KN force is acting leftward so according to their direction 
10 - 20 = -10 KN 
so the body will move leftward because magnitude of leftward force is more than other

Direction Of force:

In above Example When we talk about forces, you can intuitively feel that a force has direction. I think this is obvious. If you push the object in right direction, other force is from left to right. Instead of saying left to right, or right or left, we can use North, South or East.

  • To define direction of force we use Angles 

Magnitude Of force:

 Every force has some value. Value is a number,
That is called as Magnitude. 

    Magnitude can be large or small. If you apply a 10KN force, you can say this force has a magnitude of 10KN. 

Point of application: 

Finally, it is important for us to know where the force is applied. We call this as point of application.
Point at which force is applied is called as point of application.
so from above we can conclude that

What is force?

Force is a physical quantity that has direction, magnitude and point of application. Let’s take a look at an example force. 
What Is forceThis diagram shows a force called F. The direction of the force is defined by an angle from the horizontal line,and the magnitude of this force is 100 N. 

    Force is not the only quantity that has direction and magnitude. There are other quantities. Velocity is another example that has direction and magnitude. Similarly, acceleration is also a physical quantity that has direction and magnitude. The quantities that have direction and magnitude as vector, and vector is a very, very important concept in engineering design. So let us now take a closer look at vectors.

What is Vector?

 A typical definition of a vector is stated as follow: 
    A vector is a physical quantity that has magnitude as well as direction. The concept of vector is very easy, and we use this concept in our everyday life. It is a simple concept that we use in our everyday life when we give directions, or when even we when we drive our car. We earlier discussed about forces and force is also a quantity that has direction and magnitude. So force is also a vector. Examples of vectors are force, position, velocity and acceleration. Although these are different physical concepts, we call them vectors, which make our life easier. 
Now let us see how we can represent a vector. 

Representation Of  Vector

We can represent vectors by drawing them to scale. Drawing vectors is very useful conceptually. When a vector is represented graphically, its magnitude is represented by the length of an arrow and its direction is represented by the direction of the arrow. To define the direction, we normally show the angle, the tail of the vector makes with the horizontal. As shown in Figure Above
Now you have a better understanding of vectors, we are now ready to perform vector operations such as vector addition. Vector addition can be done using graphical and analytical methods. We will do that in our next Article. 
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